A I & Society |
Artificial intelligence |
A I Magazine |
Artificial intelligence |
Abacus : a journal of accounting, finance and business studies |
Accounting |
Academy of Management Journal |
Administration |
Academy of Management Review, The |
Administration |
Accountancy |
Accounting |
Accounting and Business Research |
Accounting |
Accounting and Finance |
Accounting |
Accounting Historians Journal |
Accounting |
Accounting Horizons |
Accounting |
Accounting in Europe |
Accounting |
Accounting Organizations and Society |
Accounting |
Accounting Perspectives |
Accounting |
Accounting Review |
Accounting |
Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal |
Accounting |
ACM Computing Reviews |
Computer science |
ACM Computing Surveys |
Computer science/Data processing |
ACM Transactions on Database Systems |
Software/Databases/Programming language |
ACM Transactions on Graphics |
Graphs |
ACM Transactions on Information Systems |
Administration |
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software |
Software/Databases/Programming language |
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems |
Software/Databases/Programming language |
Acoounting Historians Notebook |
Accounting |
ACTA Informatica |
Computer science/Data processing |
Acta Oeconomica |
Economic sciences |
Administrative Science Quarterly |
Public administration |
Advances in Applied Probability |
Mathematics |
Advances in Computers |
Computer science/Data processing |
Advances in Consumer Research |
Administration |
Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research |
Economic sciences |
Advertising Age |
Advertising |
Agricultural Economics |
Production/Industry |
Algorithmica: an international journal to computer science |
Software/Databases/Programming language |
American Economic Journal - Applied Economics |
Economic sciences |
American Economic Journal - Economic Policy |
Economic sciences |
American Economic Journal - Macroeconomics |
Macroeconomics |
American Economic Journal - Microeconomics |
Production/Industry |
American Economic Review and Survey of Members |
Economic sciences |
American Historical Review, The |
History |
American Journal of Agricultural Economics |
Production/Industry |
American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences |
Mathematics |
American Political Science Review |
Political science |
American Scientist |
Natural sciences |
American Sociological Review |
Sociology/Anthropology |
American Statistician |
Statistics |
Annales d' Economie et de Statistique |
Statistics |
Annals of Applied Probability |
Mathematics |
Annals of Applied Statistics |
Statistics |
Annals of Discrete Mathematics |
Mathematics |
Annals of Probability |
Mathematics |
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics |
Cooperatives |
Annals of Regional Science, The |
Production/Industry |
Annals of Science |
Natural sciences |
Annals of Statistics |
Statistics |
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics |
Mathematics |
Applied Artificial Intelligence |
Artificial intelligence |
Applied Economics |
Economic sciences |
Applied Economics Letters |
Economic sciences |
Applied Financial Economics |
Economic sciences |
Applied Financial Economics Letters |
Economic sciences |
Applied Stochastic Models in Βusiness and Industry |
Mathematics |
Archiv fuer die Civilistische Praxis |
Law |
Archiv fuer Rechts und Sozial Philosophie |
Law |
Archive for Mathematical Logic |
Mathematics |
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine |
Artificial intelligence |
Asian Economic Journal |
Economic sciences |
ASTIN Bulletin |
Insurance |
Atlantic Economic Journal |
Economic sciences |
Auditing : a journal of practice and theory |
Accounting |
Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics |
Statistics |
Behavioral Research in Accounting |
Accounting |
Behaviormetrika |
Psychology |
Biometrical Journal |
Biology |
Biometrics |
Biology |
Biometrika |
Biology |
British Accounting Review |
Accounting |
British Journal of Industrial Relations |
Labour economics |
British Journal of Management |
Administration |
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology |
Psychology |
British Journal of Political Science |
Political science |
British Tax Review |
Taxes/Taxation |
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity |
Economic sciences |
BtoB |
Advertising |
Bulletin for International Fiscal Documentation |
Taxes/Taxation |
Bulletin of Economic Research |
Economic sciences |
Business History Review |
Administration |
Business Strategy Review |
Administration |
Cahiers de Droit Europeen |
Law |
California Management Review |
Administration |
Cambridge Journal of Economics |
Economic sciences |
Canadian Journal of Economics = Revue Canadieene d' Economie |
Economic sciences |
Canadian Journal of Regional Science = Revue Canadienne des Sciences Regionales |
Manpower |
Canadian Journal of Statistics |
Statistics |
Canadian Tax Journal |
Taxes/Taxation |
Capital and Class |
Political ideology |
Carnegie Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy |
Production/Industry |
Cato Journal, The |
Welfare State |
Chance: new directions of statistics and computing |
Research |
Charter:journal of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia |
Accounting |
CMA Management for strategic business ideas (ex CMA Magazine) |
Accounting |
Cognition: international journal of Cognitive Science |
Psychology |
Cognitive Science |
Artificial intelligence |
Columbia Journal of European Law |
International law |
Common Market Law Review |
Law |
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation (Part B ) |
Statistics |
Communications in Statistics-Theory and methods (Part A) |
Statistics |
Communications of the ACM |
Computer science/Data processing |
Communist and Post Communist Studies |
Political ideology |
Comparative European Politics |
International relations |
Computational Economics |
Economic theory/Economic system |
Computational Intelligence |
Computer science/Data processing |
Computational Linguistics |
Linguistics |
Computational Statistics |
Mathematics |
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis |
Mathematics |
Computer |
Engineering |
Computer Bulletin |
Computer science/Data processing |
Computer Graphics Forum |
Graphs |
Computer Journal |
Computer science/Data processing |
Computers and Operations Research |
Research methods/Cybernetics |
Computers and Security |
Administration |
Computers in Industry |
Artificial intelligence |
Computers Networks (ex Computer Networks and ISDN Systems) |
Computer science/Data processing |
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience |
Engineering |
Contemporary Accounting Research = Recherche Compable Contemporaine |
Accounting |
Contemporary Economic Policy |
Economic sciences |
Contemporary European History |
History |
Contemporary Security Policy |
International relations |
Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition |
Law |
Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior Review |
Administration |
Corporate Governance and Sustainability Review |
Administration |
Corporate Ownership & Control |
Economic sciences |
Cost Management |
Economic sciences |
Critical Perspectives on Accounting |
Accounting |
Critical Technology Trends (ex Trends Annual) |
Artificial intelligence |
Current History |
Political ideology |
Data and Knowledge Engineering |
Software/Databases/Programming language |
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery |
Computer science/Data processing |
Databases for Advances Information Systems |
Administration |
Decision Line: a news publication of the Decision Sciences Institute |
Administration |
Decision Sciences: a journal of Innovative Education |
Administration |
Decision Support Systems |
Administration |
Demographic Yearbook |
Demography |
Diplomacy and Statecraft |
International relations |
Discover |
Natural sciences |
Discrete Mathematics |
Mathematics |
Distributed Computing |
Computer science/Data processing |
Eastern Economic Journal |
Economic sciences |
EC Tax Review |
Economic sciences |
Econometric Theory |
Economic theory/Economic system |
Econometrica |
Economic sciences |
Econometrics Journal, The |
Economic sciences |
Economia Internazionale |
International ecomomy |
Economic Development and Cultural Change |
Production/Industry |
Economic Geography |
Georgraphy |
Economic History Review |
Economic sciences |
Economic Inquiry: journal of the Western Economic Association |
Economic sciences |
Economic Journal |
Economic sciences |
Economic Policy: a European Forum |
Production/Industry |
Economic Quality Control |
Production/Industry |
Economic Record |
Economic sciences |
Economica |
Economic sciences |
Economics and Philosophy |
Economic conditions |
Economics and Politics |
Economic theory/Economic system |
Economics Letters |
Economic theory/Economic system |
Economics of Education Review |
Education |
Economics of Transition, The |
Economic theory/Economic system |
Economie Appliquee |
Economic sciences |
Economist, De |
Economic sciences |
Economy and Society |
Social Sciences |
Education for Information |
Information sciences |
Educational Administration Abstracts |
Educational system |
Educational Administration Quarterly |
Information sciences |
Efta Trade |
International trade |
Ekonomia |
Economic sciences |
Electronic Library |
Libraries |
Empirical Software Engineering |
Software/Databases/Programming language |
Employee Relations |
Labour economics |
Energy Economics |
Natural resources |
Energy Journal, The |
Natural resources |
Environment and Development Economics |
Welfare State |
Environmental and Ecological Statistics |
Welfare State |
Environmental and Resource Economics |
Welfare State |
Environmetrics |
Welfare State |
Eurochoices |
Production/Industry |
Europarecht |
Finance |
Europe - Asia Studies |
History |
Europe - Revue Mensuelle |
International law |
European Accounting Review |
Accounting |
European Business Law Review |
Law |
European Competition Law Review |
Law |
European Economic Review |
Economic sciences |
European Employment Review |
Manpower |
European Financial Management |
Administration |
European Foreign Affairs Review |
International law |
European Journal of Industrial Relations |
Manpower |
European Journal of Information Systems |
Statistics |
European Journal of International Management |
Management |
European Journal of Marketing |
Marketing |
European Journal of Operational Research |
Statistics |
European Journal of Political Economy |
Macroeconomics |
European Journal of Population = Revue Europeene de Demographie |
Statistics |
European Journal of the History of Economic Thought |
Economic theory/Economic system |
European Law Journal |
Law |
European Law Review |
Law |
European Management Journal |
Administration |
European Policy Analysts |
Law |
European Public Law |
Law |
European Review of Agricultural Economics |
Production/Industry |
European Union Review |
International law |
European Urban and Regional Studies |
Social Sciences |
Expert Systems with Applications: an International Journal |
Artificial intelligence |
Expert Systems: the International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Neural Networks |
Artificial intelligence |
Explorations in Economic History |
Economic sciences |
FAO Statistical Yearbook |
Economic sciences |
Finance and Stochastics |
Finance |
Financial Accountability and Management |
Accounting |
Financial Analysts Journal |
Finance |
Financial Management |
Administration |
Finanzarchiv |
Finance |
Fiscal Studies |
Public debt |
Food Policy |
Production/Industry |
Foreign Affairs |
International relations |
Foreign Policy Analysis |
International relations |
Forthcoming International Scientific and Technical Conference |
Natural sciences |
Future Generation Computer Systems |
Computer science/Data processing |
Futures |
Production/Industry |
Games and Economic Behavior |
Mathematics |
Geneva Papers of Risk and Insurance |
Insurance |
Global Governance |
Political science |
Government and Opposition |
Political science |
Group Decision and Negotiation |
Administration |
Harvard Business Review |
Administration |
Harvard Educational Review |
Education |
Harvard Law Review |
Law |
Health Policy, Economics and Management |
Medical sciences |
Health Services Research |
Medical sciences |
Henley Manager Update |
Law |
HERMIS - Hellenic European Research on Mathematics and Informatics |
Mathematics |
History of Political Economy |
Law |
Hospitals and Health Networks |
Law |
HR MAGAZINE -Personel Administration |
Medical sciences |
Human Resource Management |
Medical sciences |
Human Resource Planning |
Medical sciences |
IBM Journal of Research and Development |
Engineering |
IBM Systems Journal |
Engineering |
IEE Proceedings Software Engineering |
Software/Databases/Programming language |
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications |
Graphs |
IEEE Engineering Management Review |
Engineering |
IEEE Intelligent Systems and their Applications |
Engineering |
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications |
Engineering |
IEEE Software |
Software/Databases/Programming language |
IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering |
Engineering |
IEEE Transactions on Communications |
Engineering |
IEEE Transactions on Computers |
Computer science/Data processing |
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory |
Research methods/Cybernetics |
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence |
Computer science/Data processing |
IEEE Transactions on Reliability |
Engineering |
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering |
Software/Databases/Programming language |
IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics, Part B: Cybernetics |
Research methods/Cybernetics |
IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics, Part Α: Systems and humans |
Research methods/Cybernetics |
IFLA Journal |
Information sciences |
IMF Economic Review |
Industrial and Labour Relations Review |
Manpower |
Industrial Management |
Production/Industry |
Industrial Marketing Management |
Marketing |
Industrial Relations : a journal of economy and society |
Manpower |
Industrial Relations Journal |
Manpower |
INFOR Information Systems and Operational Research |
Administration |
Information and Management |
Administration |
Information and Software Technology |
Software/Databases/Programming language |
Information Economics and Policy |
Production/Industry |
Information Processing and Management: an international journal |
Libraries |
Information Processing Letters |
Computer science/Data processing |
Information Services and Use |
Information sciences |
Information Systems |
Libraries |
INFORMS Journal on Computing |
Research methods/Cybernetics |
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics |
Insurance |
Intelligence : new visions of A I in practice |
Mathematics |
Intelligence in Industry |
Engineering |
Intelligent Enterprise |
Computer science/Data processing |
Intelligent Software Strategies |
Engineering |
Interfaces |
Administration |
Internal Auditor |
Accounting |
International Affairs |
International relations |
International and Comparative Law Quarterly |
International relations |
International Business and Economic Research Journal |
Economic sciences |
International Economic Journal |
Economic conditions |
International Economic Review |
Economic sciences |
International Financial Law Review |
Commercial law |
International Journal of Accounting |
Accounting |
International Journal of Bank Marketing |
Finance |
International Journal of Conflict Management |
Administration |
International Journal of Educational Management |
Administration |
International Journal of Educational Research |
Educational system |
International Journal of Forecasting |
Economic sciences |
International Journal of Game Theory |
Mathematics |
International Journal of Geographical Information Science |
Engineering |
International Journal of Government Auditing |
Public administration |
International Journal of Human Computer Studies |
Research methods/Cybernetics |
International Journal of Human Resource Management, The |
Manpower |
International Journal of Industrial Organization |
Labour economics |
International Journal of Information Management |
Administration |
International Journal of Intelligent Systems |
Artificial intelligence |
International Journal of Knowledge and Learning |
Administration |
International Journal of Management Reviews |
Administration |
International Journal of Manpower |
Manpower |
International Journal of Market Research: the journal of the Market Research Society |
Administration |
International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management |
Transportation |
International Journal of Political Economy |
Political science |
International Journal of Power and Energy Systems |
Engineering |
International Journal of Technology Management |
Administration |
International Labour Review |
Labour economics |
International Marketing Review |
Marketing |
International Migration Review |
Migration |
International Organization |
International law |
International Peacekeeping |
International relations |
International Political Science Abstracts = Documentation Politique Internationale |
Political science |
International Regional Science Review |
Welfare State |
International Review of Applied Economics |
Economic sciences |
International Review of Economics |
Economic sciences |
International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law |
Invention/Pantent |
International Review of Law and Economics |
International law |
International Security |
International relations |
International Spectator |
Political science |
International Statistical Review |
Statistics |
International Studies Perspectives |
International relations |
International Studies Quarterly |
International relations |
International Studies Review |
International relations |
International Tax and Public Finance |
Public economics |
Intertax |
Public debt |
Jahrbuecher fuer Nationaleconomie und Statistik |
Economic sciences |
Journal du Droit International |
International law |
Journal of Accountancy |
Accounting |
Journal of Accounting and Economics |
Economic conditions |
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy |
Accounting |
Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance |
Accounting |
Journal of Accounting Education |
Accounting |
Journal of Accounting Literature |
Finance |
Journal of Accounting Research |
Accounting |
Journal of Advertising Research |
Advertising |
Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics |
Welfare State |
Journal of Agricultural Economics |
Production/Industry |
Journal of Algorithms |
Mathematics |
Journal of Applied Business Research |
Administration |
Journal of Applied Corporate Finance |
Banking |
Journal of Applied Econometrics |
Economic sciences |
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology |
Geology/Ydrology/Meteorology |
Journal of Applied Probability |
Mathematics |
Journal of Applied Psychology |
Psychology |
Journal of Applied Statistical Science |
Mathematics |
Journal of Applied Statistics |
Mathematics |
Journal of Automated Reasoning |
Artificial intelligence |
Journal of Banking and Finance |
Finance |
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making |
Administration |
Journal of Business |
Administration |
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics |
Economic sciences |
Journal of Business Law |
Law |
Journal of Business Research |
Administration |
Journal of Business Venturing |
Production/Industry |
Journal of Business, Finance and Accounting |
Accounting |
Journal of Classification |
Mathematics |
Journal of Climate |
Geology/Ydrology/Meteorology |
Journal of Combinatorial Designs |
Mathematics |
Journal of Common Market Studies |
Production/Industry |
Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics |
International relations |
Journal of Comparative Economics |
Economic sciences |
Journal of Computer and System Sciences |
Engineering |
Journal of Conflict Resolution |
Sociology/Anthropology |
Journal of Consumer Research |
Marketing |
Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance |
Accounting |
Journal of Corporate Finance |
Finance |
Journal of Derivatives |
Finance |
Journal of Development Economics |
Production/Industry |
Journal of Development Studies |
Social Sciences |
Journal of Documentation |
Libraries |
Journal of Econometrics |
Economic sciences |
Journal of Economic Asymmetries |
Economic sciences |
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control |
Economic sciences |
Journal of Economic Education |
Economic sciences |
Journal of Economic Growth |
Economic sciences |
Journal of Economic History |
Economic sciences |
Journal of Economic Integration |
International ecomomy |
Journal of Economic Issues |
Economic sciences |
Journal of Economic Literature |
Economic sciences |
Journal of Economic Methodology, The |
Economic sciences |
Journal of Economic Perspectives |
Economic sciences |
Journal of Economic Surveys |
Economic sciences |
Journal of Economic Theory |
Economic theory/Economic system |
Journal of Economics |
Economic theory/Economic system |
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics |
Education |
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management |
Natural resources |
Journal of European Economic History |
Economic sciences |
Journal of European Industrial Training |
Personnel management |
Journal of European Integration |
International relations |
Journal of European Social Policy |
International relations |
Journal of Evolutionary Ecοnomics |
Economic sciences |
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intellegence (JETAI) |
Artificial intelligence |
Journal of Finance |
Finance |
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis |
Administration |
Journal of Financial Economics |
Economic sciences |
Journal of Financial Markets |
Finance |
Journal of Financial Research, The, |
Economic theory/Economic system |
Journal of Financial Statement Analysis |
Accounting |
Journal of Fixed Income, The |
Administration |
Journal of Forecasting |
Administration |
Journal of Futures Markets |
Investment |
Journal of General Management |
Administration |
Journal of Governance and Regulation |
Law |
Journal of Graph Theory |
Mathematics |
Journal of Higher Education |
Curriculum |
Journal of Human Resources |
Labour economics |
Journal of Income Distribution |
Economic theory/Economic system |
Journal of Industrial Economics |
Economic sciences |
Journal of Information Science |
Libraries |
Journal of Information Technology |
Information sciences |
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems |
Artificial intelligence |
Journal of Interactive Marketing |
Marketing |
Journal of International Business Studies |
Administration |
Journal of International Economics |
Economic sciences |
Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting |
Administration |
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money |
Finance |
Journal of International Marketing and Marketing Research |
Administration |
Journal of International Money and Finance |
Finance |
Journal of Japanese Studies |
Georgraphy |
Journal of Labour Economics |
Labour economics |
Journal of Law and Economics |
Law |
Journal of Legal Studies |
Law |
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science |
Information sciences |
Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming |
Software/Databases/Programming language |
Journal of Logic Language and Information |
Mathematics |
Journal of Macroeconomics |
Macroeconomics |
Journal of Management |
Administration |
Journal of Management Information Systems |
Administration |
Journal of Management Studies |
Administration |
Journal of Marketing |
Marketing |
Journal of Marketing Management |
Administration |
Journal of Marketing Research |
Marketing |
Journal of Mathematical Economics |
Economic sciences |
Journal of Monetary Economics |
Finance |
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking |
Finance |
Journal of Multinational Financial Management |
Administration |
Journal of Multivariate Analysis |
Mathematics |
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics |
Mathematics |
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing |
Computer science/Data processing |
Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management |
Marketing |
Journal of Policy Modeling |
Mathematics |
Journal of Political Economy |
Economic sciences |
Journal of Portfolio Management |
Investment |
Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics |
Economic sciences |
Journal of Product and Brand Management |
Administration |
Journal of Product Innovation Management |
Administration |
Journal of Productivity Analysis |
Production/Industry |
Journal of Public Economics |
Economic sciences |
Journal of Public Relations Research |
Public Relations |
Journal of Quality Technology |
Technology |
Journal of Regional Science |
Production/Industry |
Journal of Retailing |
Marketing |
Journal of Risk and Insurance |
Insurance |
Journal of Services Marketing |
Marketing |
Journal of Small Business Management |
Administration |
Journal of Social Policy |
Social Sciences |
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation |
Mathematics |
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference |
Statistics |
Journal of Strategic Information Systems |
Administration |
Journal of Systems and Software |
Software/Databases/Programming language |
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science |
Marketing |
Journal of the ACM |
Computer science/Data processing |
Journal of the American Oil Chemistry Society |
Natural sciences |
Journal of the American Planning Association (JAPA) |
Public administration |
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIS) |
Libraries |
Journal of the American Statistical Association |
Statistics |
Journal of the American Taxation Association |
Public economics |
Journal of the History of Economic Thought |
Economic conditions |
Journal of the History of Ideas |
Social Sciences |
Journal of the Operational Research Society |
Computer science |
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series A)-Statistics in Society |
Statistics |
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series B)-Methodological |
Statistics |
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series C)-Applied Statistics |
Statistics |
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series D)- Statistician, The |
Statistics |
Journal of Time Series Analysis |
Mathematics |
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy |
Transportation |
Journal of Urban Economics |
Economic sciences |
Journal of Visual Languages and Computing |
Artificial intelligence |
Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation |
Artificial intelligence |
Journal of Water Law |
Law |
Journal of World Business |
Administration |
Journal of World Trade |
International law |
Knowledge Management Research and Practice |
Administration |
Kredit und Kapital |
Finance |
Kybernetes |
Research methods/Cybernetics |
Land Economics |
Land economics |
Leadership and Organizational Development Journal, The |
Administration |
Learning and Instruction |
Educational system |
Legal Issues of Economic Integration |
International law |
Library Journal |
Information sciences |
Library Trends |
Information sciences |
Libri |
Information sciences |
Lifetime Data Analysis |
Research |
Linear Algebra and its Applications |
Mathematics |
Lloyd's Law Reports |
Law |
Lloyd's Maritime Commercial Law Quarterly |
Commercial law |
Logistics Today |
Transportation |
Long Range Planning |
Production/Industry |
Machine Learning |
Engineering |
Management Accounting (UK) |
Administration |
Management Accounting Quarterly |
Administration |
Management Accounting Research |
Accounting |
Management International Review |
Administration |
Management Learning |
Administration |
Management Science |
Administration |
Manager Update |
Administration |
Managerial and Decision Economics |
Personnel management |
Manchester School, The |
Economic sciences |
Maritime Economics and Logistics |
Transportation |
Marketing Health Services |
Marketing |
Marketing Management |
Administration |
Marketing Science |
Administration |
Mathematical methods of Operations Research |
Research methods/Cybernetics |
Mathematical Methods of Statistics |
Mathematics |
Mathematical Programming Series A and B |
Mathematics |
Mathematical Social Sciences |
Mathematics |
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation |
Engineering |
Mathematics of Operations Research |
Administration |
Medical Care |
Medical sciences |
Mershon International Studies Review |
International relations |
Metrika |
Mathematics |
Middle East Forum |
History |
Middle East Journal, The |
International relations |
Middle East Report |
History |
Mind and Language |
Philosophy |
MIS Quarterly |
Administration |
MIT Sloan Management Review |
Production/Industry |
Modern Law Review |
Law |
Monthly Labour Review |
Manpower |
Monthly Review |
Manpower |
Multinational Finance Journal |
Manpower |
National Estimator |
Manpower |
National Geographic |
Georgraphy |
National Tax Journal |
Manpower |
Natural Language and Linguistic Theory |
Manpower |
Natural Resources Journal |
Manpower |
Networks: an International Journal |
Manpower |
Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations |
Computer science/Data processing |
New Generation Computing |
Computer science/Data processing |
New Left Review |
Economic sciences |
New Political Economy |
Economic sciences |
New Review of Applied Expert Systems and Emerging Technologies |
Artificial intelligence |
New Technology Work and Employment |
Administration |
Omega |
Administration |
Open Economics Review |
International ecomomy |
Operations Research- LINTHICUM |
Administration |
Opsearch |
Administration |
Optimization |
Mathematics |
Organization Sciencee |
Administration |
Organizational Dynamics |
Administration |
Outsourced Logistics, 2009 |
Transportation |
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics |
Economic sciences |
Oxford Development Studies |
Production/Industry |
Oxford Economic Papers |
Economic sciences |
Oxford Review of Economic Policy |
Production/Industry |
Papers in Regional Science |
Economic sciences |
PAR - Public Administration Review |
Public administration |
Parallel Computing |
Computer science/Data processing |
Parametric World |
Mathematics |
Pattern Recognition |
Research methods/Cybernetics |
Pattern Recognition Letters |
Computer science/Data processing |
Software/Databases/Programming language |
Performance Evaluation |
Computer science/Data processing |
Personnel Psychology |
Psychology |
Perspectives on Politics |
Political science |
PHI Product Haftpflicht International |
Legislation |
Political Science and Politics - PS |
Political science |
Population and Development Review |
Statistics |
Post-Soviet Affairs |
Economic sciences |
Probability Theory and Related Fields |
Mathematics |
Production and Inventory Management Journal |
Administration |
PSQ Political Science Quarterly |
Political science |
Psychology and Marketing |
Sociology/Anthropology |
Psychometrika |
Psychology |
Public Administration Quarterly |
Public administration |
Public Choice |
Economic sciences |
Public Finance |
Public economics |
Public Finance Review |
Insurance |
Public Relations Quarterly |
Public Relations |
Public Relations Review |
Public Relations |
Quality and Quantity |
Social Sciences |
Quality Engineering |
Engineering |
Quality Progress |
Administration |
Quality Technology and Quantitative Management |
Statistics |
Quantitative Economics |
Economic sciences |
Quarterly Journal of Economics |
Economic sciences |
R and D Management |
Administration |
Rabels Zeitschrift fuer Auslaendisches und Internationales Privatrect |
International law |
RAIRO - Operations Research - Baltimore |
Research |
RAIRO Informatique Theorique et Applications = Theorical Informations and Applications |
Research methods/Cybernetics |
RAIRO Recherche Operationnelle = Operations Research - LES ULIS |
Research methods/Cybernetics |
RAND Journal of Economics, The |
Economic sciences |
Regional Science and Urban Economics |
Economic sciences |
Regional Studies |
Public administration |
RERU Revue d' Economie Regionale et Urbaine |
Economic conditions |
Research Policy |
Administration |
Resources and Energy Economics |
Natural resources |
Rethinking Marxism |
Political ideology |
Review of Accounting Studies |
Accounting |
Review of Economic Dynamics |
Economic sciences |
Review of Economic Studies |
Economic sciences |
Review of Economics and Statistics |
Economic sciences |
Review of Financial Studies |
Finance |
Review of Income and Wealth |
Macroeconomics |
Review of Industrial Organization |
Production/Industry |
Review of International Economics |
Economic sciences |
Review of International Studies |
International relations |
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting |
Economic sciences |
Review of Radical Political Economics |
Economic sciences |
Revue d' Economie Politique |
Economic sciences |
Revue d' Integration Europeene = Journal of European Integration |
International relations |
Revue d' intelligence Artificielle: RSTI, Serie RIA |
Computer science/Data processing |
Revue de l' Arbitage |
Law |
Revue de Statistique Appliquee |
Statistics |
Revue des Affairs Europeennes |
International law |
Revue des Societes |
Law |
Revue du droit de l' Union Europeeenne |
International trade |
Revue du Marche Commun et de l' Union Europeene |
Production/Industry |
Revue Economique |
Economic sciences |
Revue Francaise de Compabilite |
Accounting |
Revue Francaise de Gestion |
Administration |
Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Europeen |
Law |
Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Commercial et de Droit Economique |
Commercial law |
Revue Urbanisme |
Sociology/Anthropology |
Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets and Institutions |
Finance |
Risk Management and Insurance Review |
Finance |
Sales and Marketing Management |
Marketing |
SANKHYA Series A |
Statistics |
Scandinavian Actuarial Journal |
Insurance |
Scandinavian Journal of Economics |
Economic sciences |
Scandinavian Journal of Management |
Administration |
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics : theory and applications |
Statistics |
Schmalenbachs Business Review |
Insurance |
Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift fuer Betriebswirtschaft Forschung |
Insurance |
Science and Public Policy |
Administration |
Science and Society |
Natural sciences |
Scientific American |
Natural sciences |
Scientometrics |
Natural sciences |
Scottish Journal of Political Economy |
Economic sciences |
Semaine Juridique |
Law |
Sequential Analysis |
Mathematics |
Siam Journal of Mathematical Analysis |
Mathematics |
Siam Journal on Applied Mathematics |
Mathematics |
Siam Journal on Computing |
Engineering |
Siam Journal on Control and Optimization |
Mathematics |
Siam Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications |
Mathematics |
Siam Journal on Scientific Computing |
Mathematics |
Siam Review |
Mathematics |
Significance |
Statistics |
Simulation |
Research methods/Cybernetics |
Small Business Economics : an international Journal |
Production/Industry |
Social Justice Research |
Public administration |
Social Policy and Society |
Social Sciences |
Sociological Methods and Research |
Sociology/Anthropology |
Sociological Spectrum |
Sociology/Anthropology |
Software: practice and experience |
Software/Databases/Programming language |
South African Statistical Journal |
Mathematics |
South-Eastern Europe Journal of Economics |
Economic sciences |
Southern Economic Journal |
Economic sciences |
Soziologische Revue Besprechungen |
Sociology/Anthropology |
Statistica Sinica |
Statistics |
Statistical Methods in Medical Research |
Research |
Statistical Papers |
Research |
Statistical Science |
Mathematics |
Statistician, The |
Statistics |
Statistics and Computing |
Mathematics |
Statistics and Decisions |
Statistics |
Statistics and Probability Letters |
Statistics |
Statistics in Medicine |
Medical sciences |
Statistics: a journal of theoretical and applied statistics |
Statistics |
Stochastic Analysis and Applications |
Mathematics |
Stochastic Models Stochastic Models Stochastic Models Stochastic Models |
Statistics |
Stochastic Processes and their Applications |
Mathematics |
Strategic Finance |
Accounting |
Strategic Management Journal |
Administration |
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics |
Economic sciences |
Studies in Locational Analysis |
Sociology/Anthropology |
Studies in Political Economy |
Political economy |
Studies in Political Economy : a socialist review |
Political science |
Studies in Regional and Urban Planning |
Economic sciences |
Survey of Current Business |
Production/Industry |
Synthese |
Natural sciences |
Systems Research and Behavioral Science |
Engineering |
Teaching Statistics |
Education |
Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities |
Land economics |
Technologie und Management = Technology and Management |
Technology |
Technometrics |
Engineering |
Telecommunications Policy |
Telecommunications |
Theoretical Economics |
Economic sciences |
Theory of Probability and its Applications |
Mathematics |
Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics |
Mathematics |
Transportation and Distribution |
Transportation |
Transportation Research : an international journal - Part B : Methodological |
Transportation |
Transportation Research : an international journal - Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review |
Transportation |
Unternehmung, Die |
Administration |
Urban Studies |
Sociology/Anthropology |
Urbanisme |
Sociology/Anthropology |
Washington Quarterly, The |
International relations |
Water Resources Research |
Geology/Ydrology/Meteorology |
Weltwirtschaftliche Archiv = Review of World Economics |
Economic sciences |
West European Politics |
Political science |
World Bank Economic Review |
Sociology/Anthropology |
World Development |
Sociology/Anthropology |
World Development Report |
Economic sciences |
World Economic Outlook |
Economic sciences |
World Politics, 1997- ΠΛ.World Politics, 1997- ΠΛ. |
International relations |
World Today, The |
International relations |
Yearbook of the United Nations |
Statistics |
Zeitschrift fuer Betriebswirtschaft |
Administration |
Zeitschrift fuer Europaesches Privatrecht |
Private law |
Zeitschrift fur Das Gesamte Handlssrecht und Wirtschaftsrecht |
Law |
Zeitschrift fur Unternehmens und Gesellschaffsrecht |
Taxes/Taxation |
Zentralblatt Math |
Mathematics |