Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being

  1. Community volunteering “AUEB Volunteers”: We acted in partnership with:
  • MDA, which supports patient of neuromuscular diseases, in their Summer Bazaar & Ladies’ lunch as well as the Official Athens Marathon
  • “Positive Voice”, which supports HIV/AIDS patients, to raise awareness to Greek people around HIV, AIDS and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
  • Make-A-Wish, which materializes wishes of children with terminal illnesses, for their Easter bazaar, as well as their annual event “Wish Star”.
  • Hatzipaterio, which supports children with mental disabilities, in their annual fundraising event
  • Safe Water Sports in order to educate children around water safety.
  • The Organizing Committee of the Official Marathon in Athens and the Official Half-Marathon, in order for our volunteers to support various posts in the 4 events of 2018 and 2019
  • GivMed,  an organization that makes sure that medicine is not wasted and is provided to people in need
  • Angelman syndrome association, where we supported the annual assembly of patients and their families. The student Photography team of AUEB captured the event with a set of photos under the theme “The smile of a child”.
  • Anasa, Prolepsis and AUEB’ Psychological Counseling team in order to host an event around healthy nutrition and eating disorders for the University’s community members
  • Panos Milonas Road Safety Institute in order to educate young people, outside of clubs, about the importance of no driving, when drinking
  • Pharmacists of the world, in order to collect medicine for people in need
  • Children’s Hospital of Panagioti & Aglaia Kyriakou for the bi annual blood donation event
  1. AUEB’s internal rules and regulation pays special attention to the health and safety standards of staff and students of AUEB at its premises, thus making it a safe place for people to work and learn.
  2. Doctor and Mental Health Advisor: Since 2001, AUEB offers doctor and mental health advisory services to its members, free of charge.
  3. Social welfare and psychological support team: The team aims at supporting students in need, in order to support their mental health and support them in case they face any challenges. They organize workshops, provide one-to-one counseling and group discussions on topics of the students’ particular interest and needs.
  4. Events:
  • We organized two 2-day Health Awareness events and several other shorter info-seminars at our premises in order to educate our community on blood donation, bone marrow donation, breast cancer, and HIV/AIDS.
  • Twice a year we organize Blood Donation at our premises in cooperation with the Children’s Hospital “Panayioti & Aglaia Kyriakou”.
  • We organized a donation of saliva sample event in order for our community members to register themselves at the Bone Marrow donors’ database, in cooperation with “Orama Elpidas” NGO.
  1. Research: The relevant publications of the teaching and research staff of AUEB can be found in section “Research on SDGs” of the report. In addition, several members of the faculty organize seminars around diverse health related issues, such as biostatistics, health economics, CoViD-19 etc
  2. Media awareness: through AUEB’s newspaper “OPAnews” as well as several press releases we raised awareness on the topic of poverty through interviews, scientific articles written by our faculty members as well as communicated our volunteering, events and scholarships program to our stakeholders.


Τελευταία ενημέρωση: 02-12-2020